Friday, November 27, 2009

Am I likeable?? Or am I just another hopeless cause??

I'm 18, off to university soon, and have never really had a relationship. (mostly because of a strict mom and controlling dad) But, some of my friends say I can be too much, while others say I'm too reserved. My friend says I should take interest in what's popular right now (like bands and stuff), I usually ignore really trendy stuff. So here's a bit about me....5'7, dark hair and eyes, very long and curly hair. I'm not sporty, more artsy like painting. My music tastes are so varied its ridiculous. I listen to everything from latin to country. I'm not rowdy, even at parties I'm more laid-back. But I can be very stubborn. And I think that a lot of todays teen comedy's are retarded (have you seen Epic Movie?? so BAD!!!) So what do you think? Are my friends right? Am I reserved, should I be louder or something?

Am I likeable?? Or am I just another hopeless cause??

There is nothing wrong with you. I am a lot like you. I like all kinds of music. Who wants to get stuck listening to one type of music? All of my cd's are compilations of different songs from different artist that I downloaded. Who cares what's popular now? It probably won't be in a few years. Just because someone thinks it's popular doesn't mean everybody else thinks its popular. Just means it's popular in your small world. Do what makes you happy. That's what really counts. I myself am very laid back. What's wrong with that? You will look back one day and think wow, I thought that was cool. What was I thinking? Just live your own life and do what's right for you. Everyone is different and has different ideas of what's hip and what's not. College is going to help you grow in ways you can't imagine. You will leave behind a lot of your friends as life takes on different meanings for everyone. The right person will come along and you will know it. Be true to thine ownself. Good luck at your university!!

Am I likeable?? Or am I just another hopeless cause??

OMG u sound like me!!! And ur right Epic Movie was horrible!

Just be yourslef. I didn't make a best friend untill after I was 20. Well, I had a best friend in highschool, but as far as a best friends go, she is the real thing.

You should enjoy being u. U r special and it is very important to be an individual. U will click with someone, and that person will be a great friend.

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